Attention Pontoon Owners! Are your Pilings structural?

Reopening Monday 14 January. Attention Pontoon Owners! Are your Pilings structural? Do you need them inspected? The integrity and lifespan of your jetty or pontoon depends on professionally constructed and well-maintained pilings. Gold Coast Jetty Repairs provides a reliable, safe solution that complies to all Australian Standards. Our piles are driven deep, not only to meet safety standards, but to provide the very best performance from our products possible. Deep driven piles from Gold Coast Jetty Repairs are able to maintain integrity and stability even if the area is later dredged and it is that commitment to quality and safety that separates our service from our competition. So if you are unsure if your Piles are standing the test of time – Contact Gold Coast Jetty Repairs for an obligation free inspection and we will check and ensure they are up to standard.
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